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Wednesday, 21 December Beautiful London Christmas Lights Only three days till Christmas, but London meghan markle harry know in a gorgeous flood of lights since November, just as all other big cities. It karácsonyi berlin single started with big street parties with celebrities, concerts, children programmes for every single street or region of London where you can find the lights : Perhaps around three years ago, even Robbie Williams gave a short concert and switched on the lights of Oxford street, but Kylie, Colin Firth or the Sugababes had the same honour as well in the past.

In this past week, I mentioned that I took loads of pictures of beautiful London in this Christmas period : and so now you can see the results of it.

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I tried to pick the nicer pictures and hope you will also feel merry and bright after all these beautiful lights, Christmas trees, decorations, cute animals, beads, angels and mistletoes! A lenyeg hogy 3 nap van Karacsonyig!!! Habar London, csakugy mint mas nagyobb varosok is, mar november eleje ota fenyaradatban uszik!

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Majdnem minden utca, vagy varosresz diszkivilagitasa nagy bulival kezdodik. Ilyenkor celebek, szineszek vagy enekesek kapcsoljak fel a fenyeket, a felkapcsolas elott, pedig koncertek es gyerek programok vannak.

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  • Миновав похожую на сад террасу и войдя в главное здание, она прошла проверку еще на двух внутренних контрольных пунктах и наконец оказалась в туннеле без окон, который вел в новое крыло.

Mult heten pedig direkt azert maszkaltam este Londonban, hogy megorokitsem nektek az idei karacsonyi fenyeket Londonbol : es most ha lejjebb haladtok, akkor lathatjatok is az eredmenyet! Remelem tetszenek majd ezek a karacsonyi kepek a sok sok dekoracioval, allatkakkal, gyongyokkel, fagyonggyel, angyalokkal es persze karacsonyfakkal!

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